
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Robotic Sentinel by Tom Macon, PhD.

Welcome to the Robotic Sentinel. I decided to blog about my passion for robotics.

As a robotic futurist, I will try to share with you my unique insight into where I think we might be headed in the very near future. I encourage you to comment and share information concerning robotics, and engage in lively discussions related to the science and psychology I jointly refer to as, "Robocology"

I am simply fascinated with the many possibilities that await mankind as we begin more borg-like in our integration with machines.

A perfect example can be viewed at:

In the aforesaid  referenced  article by "Wired", they discuss, "A wireless receiver can be implanted into your tooth with the aid basic dental surgery. The implant can allow a person to receive digital signals from radios and mobile phones, from the privacy of their own head." I know the article was dated 2002, but it is an interesting read. Follow the link yourself and think about what other integrations we may consider.

Have you ever wondered if we might evolve to the point of combining living carbon tissue and silicon? I recall at least one article about the subject:

Best of luck, and remember, our future is what we make it!

Sincerely Your,

Dr. Tom Macon, Ph. D.


  1. This is pretty cool, as a novelist I love researching and theorizing about the future of technology.

    Hoe crazy are people gonna look when they're talking to themselves and they're not even wearing a Bluetooth device ! ;)

    just a note: You should make your links clickable. I'll try to replicate them here, but not sure if blogger has HTML defaulted to on or off in comments

    Tooth link

    Intel Link

  2. Following up on what Sam said, clickable links are definitely a good idea. You can always go back and edit your blog post to make them clickable as well.

    Pertaining to the topic, the idea of a microchip inside of my tooth excites me. I like the idea of combining our bodies with modern science.

  3. I dont agree with kyle, a microchip in my mouth is a no-no. I prefer having one attached to my wrist , but in my mouth and connected to my brain, no-no

  4. I kinda love the idea of a microchip. I remember an episode on ''icarly'' when freddy's mom was able to locate him with the microchip she told a doctor to put in his brain''.lol.. not a bad idea

  5. I like your blog and fancy the world of robotics. I wonder how what the world will look like today with all this enhancements.

  6. I think your blog is educative, as regards to science, man and the future, I think they can never be separated. Robotics does makes all the different aspects of life complete.

  7. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us. Just out of curiosity, what was your PhD in?

  8. Not sure if having a microchip implanted into our human body is a good idea either. The future is indeed what we make of it, but at the same time, we have to be cautious about what we are doing.

  9. Anonymous11:03

    That would be great! Do you think the future will belong to androids?

  10. Anonymous11:20

    I'm all for technology, but that sounds like a recipe for cancer!

  11. This is really weird, I mean is robotic engineering about giving human life forms to robots or turning humans into robots.

  12. Sounds good to me but scary at the same time. I mean I don't want to add too many microprocessors and chips to my body.

  13. To me it sounds like a James Bond movie but yes it can happen in future that we might have chips in our body that can tell us about how we need to eat and drink and keep ourselves fit.

  14. Anonymous03:11

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Anonymous04:06

    this is interesting research about the future technology,i love the idea of microchip in our body but its harmful in our brain, it might cause cancer. so i don't want to add any chips in my body. but i like the concept.

  16. This is interesting. The range of thoughts, feelings, experiences, and activities accessible to human organisms presumably constitute only a tiny part of what is possible. There is no reason to think that the human mode of being is any more free of limitations imposed by our biological nature than are those of other animals.

  17. Look at the matter of positive celine. Through the accelerating pace of technological development and scientific understanding, we are entering a whole new stage in the history of the human species. In the relatively near future, we may face the prospect of real artificial intelligence.

  18. Hey eileen,On the dark side of the spectrum, transhumanists recognize that some of these coming technologies could potentially cause great harm to human life; even the survival of our species could be at risk. Seeking to understand the dangers and working to prevent disasters is an essential part of the transhumanist agenda.

  19. Robots are humans acomplishment, mainly utilized for cheap labor.

  20. Automation is a phenomenon that has revolutionized the methods of production, easing, speeding and making more precise the work of man.

  21. Wow! That's a cool one! Having a wireless receiver inside a tooth. This can be a very useful tool for gadgets.

  22. I don't want a microchip to be implanted to any part of my body. I just don't know what will be the effect of it inside my body. Maybe it can help to have fast transaction or access to personal accounts, but we don't know what may happen next.

  23. Sound Cool!
    microchip inside your body!
    But the world in the future will getting scary.
    Hacker might "Hack" into your body and get access on you.
    And Many murderer case will happen.

  24. Anonymous21:26

    This sounds super scary - especially what Anime said about people trying to hack into your body to take your tooth or trying to murder you just to gain access to that microchip!

  25. At first, I was amazed with this invention. But because of what Anime said, that could possibly happen, and it's indeed a frightening one. Microchip is just a tiny thing but it can risk your whole life.

  26. I just thought of this. What is there's already a microchip implanted inside my tooth, do I have an option to remove it if in case I will decide not to have it anymore?

  27. I wonder if the tooth will not have cavity if a microchip will be implanted therein.

  28. I don't want to get hacked by anybody because of the microchip inside my tooth. It's like saying that I can't have privacy if someone can have an access in me.

  29. Samantha14:44

    OMG! This tooth cell phone freaks the heck out of me. I already hate the dentist and can't imagine how aweful it would be to make a call by mistake when you are asleep. Like image you were dreaming about another guy and started dialing your boyfriend by accident. Can anyone say, "DISASTER"?

  30. Fran Brockhouse22:22

    This some shit off a movie or something.... -.- You guys are stupid as hell if your making this.

  31. William Boyette22:23

    Maybe they can implement something that has a tracker too. would be nice to put one in my kids mouth.. lol
